Porto di Tropea S.p.A.
Via Raf. Vallone, Tropea
Vibo Valentia, 89861, Italia.
+39 0963 61548
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Le ``piscine`` di Tropea


Born at the foot of the beautiful fortress of Tropea, today it has 600 berths capable of hosting megayachts up to 55 meters.
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Alla scoperta della Calabria


Abundant in gifts, romantic in colors but at the same time grumpy as its raging rocks are passionate about the sea.
Un mondo su misura


We provide boaters with all the services they need for an unforgettable stay
Tutto ciò che ti serve

Marina Village

Scopri tanti buoni motivi per sostare un giorno in più!

“I love you Calabria for the lonely creeks closed by overhangs of rocks that take color of the seaweed born from the spray of the wave.”
– Leonida Rèpaci –


See wind and sea conditions on Lamma Tuscany

The Port of Tropea S.p.A. reports that at the entrance to the harbor, below the green lighthouse, there is a sandbank, bordered by yellow, unlit buoys. Pending removal, it is advisable to enter the center of the channel.